Don't mind the guy in the photo. Just notice the Maine stuff in his California apartment, like the moose T-shirt, moose cup, moose crossing sign, and the moose chili bowl.
You may notice that there is no question mark after the previous sentence. That’s because it was so obviously rhetorical that I didn’t bother with one. Moose and Maine go together like, well, blueberries and Maine and lobsters and Maine and trees and Maine and … well, you get the point.
Yes, I have moose stuff from Maine in my California apartment. You will notice in the top photo alone that I am wearing a T-shirt and holding a cup with moose on each. The phrase on the cup reads “Moose Country: I brake for moose,” which is a great idea, breaking for moose, that is. Those gangling, clumsy, majestic monstrosities of Maine can do much damage to a vehicle – and the vehicle occupants – in a collision. They are best avoided on the road.
Anyway, back to the photo, you’ll notice a moose on a chili bowl on the shelf behind me. It’s currently holding stick matches for cigars. And there’s a moose crossing sign on the floor.
I’m also wearing hat with a moose on it with “Cool Moose” written in the moose’s antlers, but I seem to have inadvertently cropped that out of the photo. Just take my word for it.
I’ve included a few other photos of moose stuff from Maine in my California apartment.
This is an occasional multipart series of photos of things related to Maine that can be found in Keith Michaud’s California apartment. Keith Michaud shot today’s photos.
Here's a closer look at that chili bowl. ... Or was it an ice cream bowl? I forget.
And this is the moose crossing sign. I'm pretty sure I still have a T-shirt with the very same design on it.
Here's the logo on the hat I'm wearing in the top photo. I inadvertently cropped it out of that photo.
Here are a couple of moose coffee cups I received for Christmas this year. They are goofy. Great, mind you, but goofy, just like the moose. And there's a stuff moose in the cup on the left. I don't remember when or where I got it, but it is cute. As far as moose go, that is.
Moose go with Maine like maple syrup goes with Maine. Here's a syrup pitcher with a Moose on it.
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